Hi, I am Andre Hendra
Hi, I am Andre Hendra
Hello, I'm Andre Hendra. I am a passionate UX Designer who has a background in graphic design and marketing. Over the last decade, I have built my skills and abilities focused on solving problems related to client needs which are focused on company promotion and branding.
In my journey as a designer and marketer, I enjoy interacting with clients, especially their experience with a product. As a concrete example, my inspiration to become a UI/UX designer is related to my previous experience as someone who moved from one country to another. I witnessed individuals’ need for information, be it education, accommodation, purchasing travel tickets, learning new languages and cultures, transportation, health, food and other information.
I realize that as activities progressed, many individuals or groups need solutions that can solve information problems. It is very necessary to have information that is precise, accurate, up-to-date, reliable and also easy to understand, especially in the current use of technological media.